An Arborist is in the House … at KGC!

Yes, you read that right … if this were a house party, the Arborist would be in in attendance … meaning, the KGC board has hired a professional arborist to help us look after the trees / bushes here at KGC.

Why a professional arborist you ask? Well did you know there are 300+ trees making up the lovely green space, and ‘nature’ feel of Killarney Glen Court. These trees are a great asset to our complex but can also present liabilities if they are not properly cared for and maintained. Engaging with the professionals that specialize in this area mitigates the liability while preserving this great asset for the enjoyment of all!!

We interviewed several companies, and chose Bartlett Tree Experts, as they were able to collaborate with us the best in terms of our size and tree needs. They have been onsite several times now and will be returning over the next couple of months to fix a few things: tree removal, tree pruning, tree planting, and much more.

You may have noticed numbered blue tags on all the trees with numbers, please do not remove. As all the trees have been mapped out and accounted for, including what their general health is like, then provided and ‘ID’ for on-going maintenance.

If you have concerns about trees/bushes in your immediate area, such as removal or pruning or other issues, please email KGC at Particularly important: if you are interested in adding trees near your unit, you must first obtain board approval. This allows us to consult with the arborist to ensure your desired tree will work best in your area, and our complex’s overall health.

For those interested in knowing more about how trees communicate with each other, and most probably even within the boundaries of our KGC complex, check out the work and writings of Suzanne Simard, How Trees Talk to Each Other. Interesting stuff.

Trees are sanctuaries” - Herman Hesse

If a tree dies, plant another in its place” - Carolus Linnaeus


Management Change


BBQing in Killarney Glen Court - some tricks and safety tips!